If you’re looking for the most adventurous club at the RVC, you’ve come to the right place.
We climb at The Castle in Finsbury Park every Wednesday afternoon (complete with our famous brownie break!) and have a range of trips throughout the year to suit all tastes; whether that’s outdoor climbing, hiking or caving. We have great socials, and you’ll have fun making friends and getting stuck in to the games on our trips.
Any ability or experience level is welcome, so whether you’re a seasoned mountaineer or someone who likes going for pretty walks, there is a place for you in the RVCMC.
If this sounds like the club for you fill out your details in the survey linked below and youll be added to our newletter where we most importantly release trip signup emails and its first come first served!
Janelle Young
Subs include a year of BMC Insurance and a wonderful t-shirt you can climb in. You MUST be a member to go on any trips!
Once you have paid subs please fill in this membership form !
RVCMC Membership Form 2024-25 (google.com)
Don't forget to like the RVC Mountaineering Club facebook page for information on our socials and weekly climbing activites!