Candidate for the position of International Officer



Uniting students from around the world through the love of pints, pizza, and pygmy hippos.

What up RVC!

I’m Ali Ashford and I would love to be the SU International Student Representative (wow that’s a mouthful).  As for my qualifications… well I am an international student, more specifically an American (please don’t hold the Cheeto Trump against me, we just had to prove we were dumber than the whole BREXIT situation) and a course rep for BVetMed 1. 

During my time in undergrad I was an executive member for my sorority (yes what you’ve seen in the movies was fairly accurate to my experience… I’m great at toga construction and as for pillow-fights well… they aren’t made of feathers anymore).  I’ve got people skills for days as I’ve worked at Disney World making dreams come true over the past 4 years. (I can keep a smile while guests yell about the fact that I single-handily ruined their whole vacation because I didn’t stop the rain; bet y’all didn’t know I had magical abilities to control the weather… suprisingly neither did I).

On a serious note I think I could excel at this position, one of my passions is connecting with new people.  The activities and information from the current rep Kipling this past year was integral in my foundation and love for RVC, and most importantly helped me find the closest pubs to the Camden Campus.

As a great student body (just like our own, minus the pots of organs and skeletons) once sang “we’re all in this together… Don’t let anyone eat their weight in chocolate alone”…. Wait… Accidentally added that last bit but it’s true, we all deserve chocolate.

 Peace, love and most of all PIZZA. 

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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