Candidate for the position of Vice President Activities & Campaigns



It's the difference that makes the difference , this is where I come the better difference.

When I first knew I was going to the RVC, like all 18 year olds I was naturally apprehensive, but I was also very excited about the opportunities open to me. I hope this brief manifesto demonstrates how committed I am to showing how all students can make the most out of life at the RVC. I don’t see myself as a particularly brave person, however I am devoted to helping other people through what can be a difficult transition from home life towards real independence. The majority of 2nd year BSc students will know me as the girl who has attended every single lecture in gym wear. Nevertheless, for the rest of the RVC students I hope I have provided you with an image that gives you an insight into where some of my interests lie.

 During my time at the RVC, I worked closely with the current VP to run the “No-stress November” campaign. This was a very valuable experience where I gained first hand knowledge of the role as well as getting to meet other RVC students, who were passionate about getting involved and making the most of the opportunities offered here. I was inspired by this campaign, and would really like to take this onto the next phase, where student well-being is put firmly back in the centre of my vision for the RVC.

 In my eyes there are no limits to what I can achieve if I was to become VP of activities and campaigns. In the past month, I have been actively involved in securing funds for this year’s sports ball and I have run gym inductions on the Camden campus for new students. In the last year, the SAWC facility opened its doors to offer students a place to practice sport, hold competitions across universities, individuals could keep active, and simply act as release from studies. Currently, I frequently switch between the Hawkshead and Camden campus and have built some strong relationships with the SAWC staff.

As VP I would look to build on these relationships and to further fulfil the potential of this facility so students are given the very best chance to succeed in their goals. The opinions of students have been crucial to the success of the Student Union. As VP of activities and campaigns I will definitely listen to the students voices, whether that is to communicate suggestions or offer my own advice and guidance where it is needed. I will personally escalate any student’s recommendations and/ or complaints. These will be taken to the highest level possible so that they can be acted upon and decisions made – no voice will be taken lightly. I will work alongside sports clubs and societies, ensuring each and every one has the support needed to keep progressing and be an inspiration to those new to the university. Furthermore, I will commit to personally helping in the financial management of the sports activities in order to accommodate the short term and long-term ambitions of the clubs and societies.

As I stated earlier, the student campaigns are what kick -started my enthusiasm to apply for this role. It will therefore come as no surprise that my aims are to promote and push forwards the campaigns that fellow students are passionate about. I will help grow new clubs and campaigns and build on the foundations set by those already in place.

 If I was voted in as your VP of activities and campaigns I will be make it my paramount objective to work with the clubs here at the RVC, to give students the capacity to challenge themselves, have fun, to inspire others, and to guarantee good memories are made here!


Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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