Candidate for the position of Post Graduate Officer

Image for Lucie Bourne

Lucie Bourne

I am once again standing for the role of postgraduate officer after a year alongside Ran, who is stepping down. I’m currently in the 2nd year of a PhD and previously completed a BSc in Bioveterinary Sciences at RVC.  After a year in this role, I have become increasingly aware of the challenges that postgraduates face. Alongside Ran, I have attended several committee meetings at RVC and a national postgraduate conference, which has allowed me understand the needs of both taught and research postgrads. Furthering the work we’ve done this year, I hope to continue to make sports and societies for postgrads more accessible and ensure that postgrads have a voice within the college. Employability is often a huge worry for postgrads and so ensuring workshops or events to promote skills needed for the workplace will be something I hope to establish. Despite being amongst a very helpful, friendly research group, I am aware that undergoing a postgraduate degree can be isolating. I hope to organise events away from the lab/office to ensure students feel supported and included. Although I will be entering the demanding final year of a PhD, I look forward to continuing to promote support and wellbeing for all postgraduates at RVC.

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