Candidate for the position of Vice President Activities & Campaigns



Swole is the goal, Size is the prize and stress is nowhere to be seen.

Hey RVC, I’m Sophie. You might recognise me from being the SAWC gym; inappropriately topless with my partner in crime.
Our degrees are stressful ones. From being a three year student Biovet or Vet nursing student to a six year Gateway it’s all a little trainwreck from start to finish.  

As a fourth year student who has been in RVC for what feels like forever, I believe that exercise and staying active, whether that be by yourself in the gym or as a team participating in sports in important for  mainting our mental health whilst being in university. It helps to increasing endorphins, build confidence and feel like you've achieved something for the day, even if the day isn't quite going to plan

If elected your VP of activities and campaigns I will strive to carry on the hard work of Meisha ensuring that classes continue to run at the hawkshead campus and trying to get some started up in Camden and of course throwing an absolutely insane Sports ball that all attending guests can quickly forget about the next day before the guilt sets in.

I’m always open to new ideas and will try my best to make everyone's lives here at the RVC a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable! 

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

HH: Hawkshead House, Hawkshead Lane, Hatfield AL9 7TA | CM: 4 Royal College St, London NW1 0TU

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