Candidate for the position of Vice President Treasurer

Image for Ve Vian Wong

Ve Vian Wong

Hi! I am Ve Vian Wong, a second year BVetMed student and I would love to be your VP treasurer for 2018/2019! 

I applied for this position because it is essentially the direct link between clubs/societies and the SU, which is great as it allows any issues or requests to be heard and solved in a relatively short period of time. My experience as a president of the Badminton club in high school and treasurer as the martial arts club should enhance my learning experience as treasurer in the SU.

If elected, my aims are to:

1. Be as approachable as possible and responsive to any question or emails.

2. Ensure all transactions are transparent and organized.

3. Provide my support to the SU team when required.

4. Bring about a satisfactory experience to all of you, along with the new SU team.

Thank you for reading my manifesto and please vote for me as I am sure I have what it takes to do the job!

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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