Candidate for the position of Equality & Diversity Officer



Let’s celebrate what makes us different

I am Louise Martin, a current second year Biological Sciences student, and as your Equality and Diversity officer, I will work to support inclusion across the college.

I joined the RVC as a student through clearing, this experience made me lucky to be here and I have wanted to be part of the RVC community ever since. The RVC has done so much for me in my short time here, and I want everyone to feel as welcome as I have.

So far in my time here I have been involved with the SU as part of the Wellbeing team. It has been through this work that I have got to experience first hand the effect the campaigns we have run have been and how beneficial the work we do to students is. This has inspired me to want to run my own events as your Equality and Diversity officer. These will include building of the work of the current E&D officer, but also, I want the students of the RVC to celebrate what makes us different to each other without the fear of being judged. I aim to have all cultures and backgrounds celebrated throughout the RVC.

I am passionate about making a positive change to the RVC and representing other students to make sure everyone’s voices are heard. I want to do this as your Equality and diversity officer.

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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