Candidate for the position of Equality & Diversity Officer

Image for James Sweet-Jones

James Sweet-Jones

Representation is key.

Equality and diversity is of paramount importance to me as a gay man. I firmly believe all students at the RVC should receive fair treatment regardless of: gender identity; ethnicity; sexual orientation; religion or any other such cause. As your SU E&D Officer I would ensure the security and representation of minority students in college-wide matters by maintaining clear and approachable communication with these students on both campuses. When necessary, these issues will be raised to the awareness of the student body and staff in order to promote attention to the demand of equality. I am willing to engage fully with SU societies in organising events and in commemorations including LGBT+ History Month. It is evident to me that expression of gender identity at RVC continues to lack in representation. I am fully aware that respect and support for these individuals is key for them in this time of transition. My previous experience from friends tackling gender issues and previous anti-bullying campaigning has given me substantial backing to assess my suitability for this role. With the help of the student body and the SU, I would be driven to ensure all individuals felt the RVC to be representative and diverse environment where students of all backgrounds could flourish.

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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