Candidate for the position of Environment Officer



Sarah M.K. Balling and Owen M.W. Woods for Environmental Officers


About us:

Sarah is a 2nd year BioScience student and current co-marketer for RVC’s own Café Biologique. Owen is a 2nd year Vet Student who is a student ambassador for the RVC and is involved in Medic Mentor scholarships. Together we are running for the role of Environmental Officer, with the aim of encouraging continued environmentally friendly practices at both Camden and Hawkshead campuses equally. We’re passionate about the environment and believe that everyone can contribute to make the campus a greener place! First the RVC and then the World!


Our manifesto:

  • To create a safe cycle route map for both campuses to encourage accessible, greener commuting
  • To encourage increased student involvement with the planters kept at each campus
  • To create an environment dedicated RVC FB page for students to aid re-using and recycling belongings
  • To organize a clothing drive at the RVC once per term, with the aim of donating to charity and reducing waste
  • To organize a “car-boot” style sale for RVC students to further encourage re-use & recycling
  • To push for a more environmentally friendly Fresher’s Fair, with a reduction in wasteful products

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

HH: Hawkshead House, Hawkshead Lane, Hatfield AL9 7TA | CM: 4 Royal College St, London NW1 0TU

Contact Us:

+44 (0)1707666333

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