Candidate for the position of Camden Officer



Camden: together for the better.

My name is Autumn and I am currently in BVetMed1. I previously completed the Gateway year and was a course rep for that year. As a result, I understand the importance of making sure that the views of the students are heard and put forward in meetings with staff and lecturers in order to work as a team to ensure the best possible student experience for everyone at the RVC. I would like to be Camden officer as I think it would be a good opportunity to be involved with a different part of the student union and gain a wider perspective of the Camden campus. If elected, I will endeavour to make sure that any decisions which may affect the Camden campus or any issues that may arise are listened to. And that solutions are reached as soon as possible to make sure that students aren’t negatively affected wherever possible. In cases where there may be short term impacts, I will do my best to minimise these. I look forward to the challenges of the role and hope to make student life at the Camden campus the best it can be.

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

HH: Hawkshead House, Hawkshead Lane, Hatfield AL9 7TA | CM: 4 Royal College St, London NW1 0TU

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