Candidate for the position of Vice President Welfare

Image for EMMA VINER


I’m Emma and I am passionate about promoting mental health, equality and fun for all students. My hobbies include cycling, dancing and painting. Being a fresher at the RVC can be an exciting and challenging so as your VP Welfare officer, I aim to be a listening ear for any problems or queries you may face during your time here and to inform you how and where you can find help.

Personal experiences with mental health problems in my family, has made me understand the importance of good well-being. As your VP Welfare Officer, I will aim to liaise with other officers to organise fundraising events such as ‘Pie in The Face’ (of your favourite lecturer) and fun-runs to raise money for mental health organisations such as Vetlife, CAHMS, CALM and Rethink which will also benefit the well-being of the participants. Drop- in sessions will be available for you to express any queries or problems you may have.

Freshers week can be the best time of your life, so I would like to liaise with other officers to organise ice-breaker freshers activities during the academic day at university for students to meet new people. Throughout the year I aim to organise fun activities such as puppy days and trips for commuters and others to explore the fantastic sights of London.

Personally, I believe that I am a strong candidate because I have a kind, ambitious and understanding nature so I am eager to help anyone in any way that I can. 

Royal Veterinary College Students' Union ™

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