Candidate for the position of BVetMed Year 5



My name is Rebecca Anne Riebe Brooks - BVetMed year 5. I'm from California and have a passion for travelling. 

I was a course rep last year and I managed to get quite a bit done while I was representing our year - I helped organise final day of lectures, I had the IT department clean up and repair the computers in the student tea room in the QMHA and I had them order more chairs for the tea room so that there is one for every computer. More importantly, I have been battling with the EMS department regarding the overseas insurance nightmare that we currently have to deal with. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a course rep, as I feel like I can try to make a small difference for our years and the years to come behind us. 

Hopefully you've enjoyed me thus far and I'd love to be able to continue for one more year. 

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