Managing osteoarthritis together

Managing osteoarthritis together

Thu 14 October 2021 19:00-20:00



14 Oct 2021 - 7-8pm

Hannah Capon from Canine Arthritis Management will be discussing how both vets and nurses can work together to provide optimal management of canine arthritis

Hannah has been a qualified first opinion small animal vet for 15 years. She is the founder of CAM which started off as a small one on one vet with owner external service in 2013. She had noted that there was a disproportion of dogs being euthanased for poorly managed arthritis and felt that this chronic disease needed to be managed differently. After a succession of euthanasias of dogs that had gone off their back legs, she felt compelled to initiate CAM online and help owners through an online platform as she had noted there was a lack of consistent reliable no commitment to buy resources for owners of dogs with arthritis to turn to. Hannah continues to work as a vet as well as expand her one on one service. Her other full time job is looking after the star of the show Holly her 14 years old Collie who suffers from lumbosacral disease. 

Please sign up for Hannah's talk here: Managing osteoarthritis together